~ Women’s City Challenge ~


Terms of Competition


Play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf, Effective January 2019, the Local Rules as described in the Notice to Competitors distributed to players at the tournament site, and these Conditions of Competition. Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is the General Penalty.


COMPETITIONS & FLIGHTING:  There are both gross and net competitions in the Challenge within each of two flights. Members of each flight were assigned at the close of Registration, based on Current Index on that date. Both flights are equally populated with players of higher and lower handicaps. Players are limited to winning either a gross OR a net prize within their flight.


HANDICAPS: For the net competition, Course Handicaps for each round of the tournament are calculated based on Current Index at the close of Registration, and Playing Handicaps are assigned by using a Handicap Allowance of 95%, as recommended by the USGA for individual stroke play. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to review, and restate if deemed necessary, the Course Handicap of any player when there is evidence that the player’s Handicap Index does not reflect their demonstrated ability. Adjustments to a player’s Course Handicap will be done in accordance with Rule 5.9 of the World Handicap System’s Rules of Handicapping.


CODE OF CONDUCT:  By submitting an entry for any Long Beach Golf Festival-administered competition, the contestant understands that she may be Disqualified by the LBGF Committee under Rule 1.2b at any time before or during the competition for unbecoming conduct, including, but not limited to:


  • Willful damage of the golf course or golf course property
  • Club throwing
  • Offensive, threatening, or unbecoming language or actions
  • Verbal abuse of LBGF staff, officials, volunteers, host club staff, or other competitors
  • Potential endangerment of others
  • Manipulation of scores posted for handicapping purposes or other acts of cheating


The contestant also understands that appropriate golf clothing must be worn at all times – no denim pants, short shorts, tee shirts, or tank tops allowed – and that Model Local Rule G-7 is in effect, prohibiting shoes with metal or traditionally designed spikes. Non-compliance with this dress code constitutes a breach of the Code of Conduct.


The penalty for breach of the Code of Conduct is a warning for the first offense and Disqualification for a second offense.


PRACTICE ROUNDS:  Practice rounds are not included as part of any tournament's entry fee. Players that wish to schedule a practice tee time must contact the golf course directly to do so. In tournaments where competition takes place at two or more golf courses, players may NOT practice on an upcoming competition course between rounds of a tournament. 


TEE TIMES & PAIRINGS:  Round One (June 14th) starting times were posted to the Women’s City Challenge online portal prior to the beginning of the tournament. Round Two (June 15th) starting times will be determined by relative Round One gross scores. Players will be re-paired within flights, with tee times posted to the tournament portal by 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 15th.


TIME OF STARTING:  All players must be present at the proper tee at their scheduled time, ready to play, or if starting times fall behind, when the starter calls the first player in the group to play. Any player not present and ready to play at the time the first player in the group is called to the tee, shall be assessed the General Penalty. If the competitor arrives more than five (5) minutes late for her assigned or adjusted starting time she SHALL BE DISQUALIFIED.


TEE MARKERS & HOLE LOCATIONS:  All competitors in the Challenge will play from the SILVER tee markers at Recreation Park, and from the RED tee markers at Skylinks. Pin flags indicate: red-front; white-middle; blue-back hole locations. Additionally, Hole Location Sheets will be available at the Starter’s table for all rounds.


DISTANCE-MEASURING DEVICES:  Hand-held or other devices (yardage or GPS devices) may be used, but ONLY to measure distance. Players using devices with features that gauge or measure other conditions in addition to distance (e.g. wind or gradient) must switch those feature(s) off during tournament play (Rule 4.3a). The General Penalty will be assessed for a first violation, and the player will be Disqualified for a second violation.


CONFORMING EQUIPMENT LISTS:  For driver heads, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-1). For golf balls, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-3). Regarding club grooves and punch-mark specifications, Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect (Model Local Rule G-2).


OTHER LOCAL RULES:  The following Local Rules, found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, shall be in effect:


Protection Of Young Trees: Model Local Rule E-10 is in effect. Young trees identified by stakes are No PlayZones, and if a player’s ball lies anywhere on the course and it lies on or touches such a tree or its well, or such a tree or its well interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1.f


Ball Played From Outside Relief Area When Taking Back-On-The-Line Relief: Model Local Rule E-12 is in effect.


Ground Under Repair Treated as Part of Nearby Obstruction:

  • White lines areas and the artificially-surfaced road or path they tie into are treated as a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1 (Model Local Rule F-3.1)
  • Where areas of damaged ground are right next to artificially-surfaced roads or paths and rutted or damaged areas adjacent to bunkers where maintenance equipment enters/exits they are treated as a single abnormal course condition when taking relief under Rule 16.1 (Model Local Rule F-3.2)


Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Greens: Model Local Rule F-5 is in effect and is modified as follows – For a ball in the general area, relief is allowed when both the ball and the immovable obstruction lie in an area cut to fairway height or less.


Relief From Seams of Cut Turf: Model Local Rule F-7 is in effect and is modified as follows – Relief is for lie of ball only.


Damage by Animals: Model Local Rule F-10 is in effect and is modified as follows – Relief is for lie of ball only.


All Roads and Paths Treated as Obstructions: Model Local Rule F-17 is in effect.


Prohibiting or Restricting Use of Audio and Video Devices: Model Local Rule G-8 is in effect.


Replacement of Club that is Broken or Significantly Damaged: Model Local Rule G-9 as prescribed in the Clarifications to the 2019 Rules of Golf is in effect.


SECOND BALL:  Rule 20.1c(3), which authorizes play of a second ball when doubtful of your rights or procedure. The competitor’s decision to invoke this rule must be announced to their marker BEFORE the second ball is put into play and before any stroke is played with the original ball. The player must announce which ball will count if the Rules allow. The player must report the facts to the Committee immediately upon completing play. The penalty for failure to do so is Disqualification.


CADDIES: Caddies are allowed, under the following conditions:

  • Caddies may drive or ride in the cart of the player for whom they are caddying. In circumstances when the host course has instituted a two-cart-per-group policy due to a scarcity of available carts, however, only the player OR the caddie may ride at any given time, so as not to displace another player in the group.
  • Caddies must not hold up play in any manner, or challenge Rules Committee or Tournament Officials' directions.
  • Caddies may be asked to leave by the Rules Committee or Tournament Director if a delay occurs due to their actions.
  • Individuals designated as Caddies are subject to the provision of Rule 10.3c for any breach of the Rules of Golf.


SPECTATOR CARTS:  Spectator carts will not be allowed during the tournament, with the sole exception being that of carts requested due to physical handicaps or medical conditions. In those instances, proof of disability (e.g. a doctor’s note, handicapped driver hangtag, placard, etc.) must be presented to a Festival staff member at Tournament Headquarters onsite. The handicapped spectator will then be given a golf cart placard to bring to the golf shop to secure a cart rental.


PROMPT PACE OF PLAY:  Rule 5.6b states "A round of golf is meant to be played at a prompt pace.” Accordingly, the Committee has established the following Local Rules: A group is deemed out of position when starting the play of any par 4 or par 5, which is clear of all players, and the elapsed time for the round averages 15 minutes or more for the holes completed. In such case, all players in the group shall be notified that they are being observed and timed. A player is subject to penalty if his group is out of position, has been informed that they will be timed, and takes more than 40 seconds to play ANY stroke. Penalties for failure to maintain a prompt pace are as defined: First offense – warning; second offense – one stroke; third offense – two additional strokes; fourth offense – Disqualification.


SCORECARDS:  Signed and attested scorecards shall be returned, without delay, to the designated scoring area following the stipulated round. Once the player has exited the designated scoring area the card is deemed officially submitted.


BREAKING TIES:  Ties will be broken with a card-off, employing the Countback method of successively comparing: (1) the final 9 holes; (2) the final 6 holes; (3) the final 3 holes; (4) the final hole. If a tie still exists, the Last to First method of comparing hole-by-hole scores in descending order will be used. Card-offs in gross competitions will use final round gross scores, and net competitions will use final round net scores.


CLOSE OF COMPETITION:  The Competition is final when the awards have been presented.


PRIZES:  In accordance with USGA Rules regarding the definition of amateurs, all prizes will be awarded in the form of gift cards or vouchers that may be redeemed for their market value of goods or services. No cash prizes will be awarded. Prizes will be awarded to the two lowest 36-hole gross totals in each flight, and to the two lowest 36-hole net totals in each flight. Players may not win both a gross and a net prize, and will be awarded the highest-value prize in instances in which they have placed among the top two in both gross and net competition.


POSTING SCORES:  Following each round of competition, the Long Beach Golf Festival Committee will use USGA-approved software to post competitor’s gross scores to the GHIN system, which will update player Handicap Indexes according to WHS calculations and procedures. All scores will be posted as “C” scores (competition scores).